Plain Air Painting is so much fun, and I know it seems scary. Probably I know what you are thinking:
- It will be so messy
- You don’t have everything that you need
- You cannot fit all of your things
But all of these assumptions are baseless and not true. Mostly, it is all about organising things. So, how did I do it? Let’s walk you through the whole process.
The very first thing is to arrange your own transport. Here is the list of things that you are going to need in the process:
- Easel
- Box
- Stretched canvas
- Three brushes in big, medium and small sizes
- Paper towel (tear the paper lath to save paper)
- Palette knife
- Palette
All of the above items should fit in the box for a better arrangement of the tools
- Water in the bottle
- Container to store cleaning brushes
- Colours
As I was afraid that the painting process would be so messy, so I preferred using a separate box for the colours. In case you want to use your box for the table, you need the second box to store storage colours. Otherwise, you end up looking for your colours all the painting process.
For colours I choose acrylics. For me, it was better because it tries out faster. I don’ have much space in the car to layout painting so I preferred it is already dry.
Once you are finished packing the essential tools, it is time to find the right spot. If you already know where you want to start, that’s great. If not, then I recommend somewhere you like a lot or you have an emotional connection. It makes the whole process more powerful experience. I already knew my start point.
It seemed scary and messy all the time, but it was not. It took me four years to convince myself to do this. Yes, four years to drag me out. Don’t take that long, it’s not worth it 😉
Once you have started painting. Don’t be too hard on your self. Quite certainly it is your first time out and you are not there to create a masterpiece. It is more about getting the feeling and understanding how to capture surrounding. Just enjoy it first and then start focusing on how to advance your skills. Happy Paintings my friends! 🙂

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